Thursday, November 13, 2008

While I malas ni bagilah I update blog hari-hari, oke?

Dahtuh, sampai mati pon update blog hari-hari la kan? Anywayy... ever since i started working here i've been coming to KakGee's house a lot. (untuk perhatian Ain: Rumahku di Balok, ofisku di Gebeng, rumah KakGee di Kuantan).

I sometimes even feel like I live there (read Kuantan) instead of my rumah sewa (read Balok). Even the bibik can tell if I lost an inch from my hips, put extra BAG to my eyes, grew my hair, trimmed my nails, change my perfume, yada yada.

The bibik is funny tho. One time she wanted to matchmake me with her agent from Indonesia. Bambang kot namanya. Boleh tak? Do I looked that desperate? And die pernah cakap 'muka che hani kayak-kayak cewek Indon. macam kakak ipar bibik!' LIKE DUH!

She used to cook lousy food we even cannot tell what they were, but now all I can say is eating her cookings is like eating at home. Well she learned a lot from Mama and my other aunties, that's why.

Her forte has to be Bubur pulut hitam and Sup Ayam. The best ok. Last 2 nites she cooked chicken porridge with chicken soup. Me and Abg Haziq ate like nak habiskan satu periuk. Satu-satu I letak dalam mangkuk. Then tiba-tiba I baru nak gigit satu part of ayam ni, only I realized it looked weird.

Bibik, ni ape ni?

Itu? Itu kepala lah Che Hani. Tak tau ke?

Kepala? As in kepala ayam ke bibik?

Yelah kepala ayamlah sup ayam.

Bibik letak kepala dalam sup?

Yelah. Otaknya sedapppplah Che haniiii...

Hello!! Seriously? Kepalaaaa!!! Oh My GOOOOOOODDDDDDD! All this while she cooked letak kepala ayam ke???

I terus lari from kitchen at floor 2 to Kakgee's room at floor 4. Adoi. Geli ok. Siap cakap otaknya sedapppppp!!!

Urgh! This is the part where you should throw up already!


botolbiru said...

Bibik, ni ape ni?

Itu? Itu kepala lah Che Hani. Tak tau ke?

Kepala? As in kepala ayam ke bibik?

Yelah kepala ayamlah sup ayam.

Bibik letak kepala dalam sup?

Yelah. Otaknya sedapppplah Che haniiii...

that part is super funny
that's her secret recipe for a delicious chicken soup.hahaha now u know her trick.zac kepala pon kamu mkn,kalu ko xtau ape bende tuh..hahahahaha


Anonymous said...

ewwwww ~
hani si pemakan kepala ayam

oh oh oh ~ i cant think bout it.. aaa ~

*~~~ run ~ puke puke ~

PiNk said...



simah said...

errrrr...... resipi baru kot + petue sup sedap.

kepale ayam pun boleyy.... otak pun buleyyyy.. hahahaha.


Anonymous said...

Sorry la, i keep confusing where you actually and keep forgotting where you work. Kuantan tu kn bnyk tempat. Confuse2. Hahaha!

part ayam tuh kn.....WAHAHHAHAHA!
so, hows that kepala ayam?

Hani said...

wey korg. yg dlm sup tu ok lg. sb tggl tulang je.

smlm die msk cili api, siap mata pon ade lagi.



PiNk said...

hahahaha aku x pat byg kan!! camne nak makan tuh!

Durruz Azam said...

huhu...ganas nyer bibik ni...eeww...pasni ko kne ati2 r z mse mkn... pfftt...

Anonymous said...

weh, this is the 3rd time i said "fucking gross". and it's only 9am in the morning!


(dont come near me dowh!)