Tuesday, November 18, 2008

About first time lepak Starbucks Kerteh Mall

I hate to call it Mesra Mall. Like, sesuatu. Kerteh Mall pon orang paham jugak.

I got 2 hours after dropping mama at her talk of 'Menangani Stress di Kalangan Wanita'. I'm not that stressed, kononnya. So I thought of 'bathing' Aaron. Mama gave me RM10. I repeat, MAMA gave me RM TEN.

Diam-diam I pergi Kopitiam but it was closed. So I headed to Starbucks Kerteh Mall.

Gigih kan? Sanggup drive 40 minutes for the free Wifi. Dahla habis selekeh. Pakai t-shirt Mekar, seasoned jeans, Asadi (not Adidas) flipflop, and tudung pun tak gosok. Laptop and adaptor on right hand, left hand got handphone, purse, and car keys. Selekeh, tak?

I picked the most comfortable couch, tried to connect to the wireless for freaking 40 minutes (Hello. iPerintis bukan Tuhan, ok?) and went to purchase a cup of coffee.

Then I realized my purse is actually EMPTY. Fortunately, RM10 tadi ada dalam poket. So I have to order the cheapest one. Hot Brewed Coffee of the Week katenya. Taste like, kopi O tak cukup gula.

Bukak Facebook, Gmail, Blog, komen blog orang, write on people's walls, post blog lagi, chatting sket-sket, download lagu Afgan, (oh lupa bukak friendster!), dah penat, I laid back kejap. Sipping the freaking 7 bucks kopi O (so much for being high maintainance).

Then I heard makcik belakang I cakap;

'Tengok budak tu, pakai selekeh je, tapi mesti banyak duit.'

'Stended-lah perempuan sekarang. Kerja besar-besar, beli rumah, beli kereta, pergi oversea, duit berlambak - tapi sampai tua taknak kahwin.'

'Weekend je datang surf kat kedai kopi. Kawan-kawan lain dah beranak-pinak.'

'Hish. Nauzubillah.'

Seryesly? SERIOUSLY?

satu, do I really looked that old. That freaking OLD?

Dua, apa makcik ni ingat I pekak ke, or ingat I pakai iPod?

Kesian ok I; dahla not that tua, not yet banyak sangat duit (RM10 pon mintak ngan mak ok!), not yet pekak jugak.

Most importantly, bukan taknak kahwin. Tapi boyfriend pon takde.

Geddit? Boyfriend pon takde-lah!


botolbiru said...

zac,i dont know how to say this
but why do they think that way.
the dressing perhaps.
or just the-old-minded-people think that way.
nk ckp pon, pepandai la kaver.
i guess they said u have a lopt of money.AMIN.a good compliment there.

Unknown said...


u just messed with the wrong person.

Weekend je datang surf kat kedai kopi. Kawan-kawan lain dah beranak-pinak

that part is sooo not true. org2 single xg surf kedai kopilah
either we have our own streamyx line @home OR hang out with our friends OR stayed @ home enjoying mumsfood OR tdo 1hari!

oh z, they just being OLD

fat ass said...

hahaha .
ini lawak ok !
teringat tiset kawan i .
"im single
and im looking for a boifren"

tapi kite tak desprado sampai nak pakai baju camtu kan yang ;)

p.s:jgn sampai bebulan2 tak mandikan aaron taw xP

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaaha (gelak trguling2).... ;p

PiNk said...

hahahahahahaha klaka!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok kang sambung komen nak wat keje jap!

Obefiend Weiland said...

kamu nampak tua pasal selekeh kot. macam makcik duduk bawah kolong

haha haha ahaha

aku takminum setarbak. tak stended. aku minum kedai tepi jalan jek. baru seswai dengan status!

Anonymous said...

JAP! Sapakah kawan kau yang dah beranak pinak? LOL.

Tapi betul tu Ain, orang single duduk rumah je. Mana layan internet kat Starbuck!

dueng said...

hoh...you should take the comment as follow je:

'Tengok budak tu, pakai selekeh je, tapi mesti banyak duit.'

'Stended-lah perempuan sekarang. Kerja besar-besar, beli rumah, beli kereta, pergi oversea, duit berlambak -

My question: why bother? bukan mati pun kalau tak menikah.

Anonymous said...

Vain punya makcik. Haha. Apa nak jadi.

Pergi mampus lah sama kau makcik, I would say. Sekurang-kurangya aku tak mengata kau dan assume kau adalah pelacur part-time masa kau muda muda dulu. Hehe.

Bagus kau tak menjawab. Because Ali bin Abi Talib says "When some blessings come to you, do not drive them away through thanklessness"

simah said...

pedas2.. makan dalam siot ayat makcik2 skang.

mungkin, makcik2 skang yang sudah maju. mungkin.

hehe. :)

Husna said...

makcik tu tengah describe dia time mude-mude dulu kot. mesti dia tak kawen lagi!


Hani said...

hazirah, i can accpet the banyak duit part. haha.

sb baguslah walaupon aku pakai gile cikai punye barang semue, aku still nmpk cam kaya. haha.

effortlessly rich!

oi oi ain,

org2 single xg surf kedai kopilah

pls rephrase, orang single n miskin xmampu pakai broadband, does. oke! haha

anyway yes, they're OLD. older than my mom kot!

mieza, i LOVE that shirt. get me one, please.

i really mean get me ONE. haha.

ps: dh mandi dh pon. becos aaron xsaba nk jumpe aunt miez!

Hani said...

orang yang name alya n aliah ni mmg gile, ok. jgn bagi anak korang name cmtuh. ps: i still HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE u both. haha

eff, aku xminum setarbak jugak. haha. kau minum jgk kedai tepi jalan. aku minum btol2 tepi jalan je. bersimpuh tepi longkang. sedeh!

abrak, that is because, they somehow thot, im like what, 32?

oih, kau berada di tmpt kejadian, walaupon dlm gtalk. tapi waktu ni kau dh pegi laundry!

Hani said...

mangi, oh xmolah komen bab mati x menikah. u never noe. haha.

i still seronok becos they thot i byk duit. lagi2 manager secret recipe depan starbucks tuh siap angkt tgn kat aku.

siap dtg masuk starbucks and said hai lame xnmpk, xdtg ngn ur mom ke?

aku rase mst jaw makcik2 tuh dropped!

afiq, aku x menjawab pasal mak ayah cakap, jgn lawan ckp org tua.

mana tahu tibe2 kau jatuh hati ngan anak die! haha

sema, they are my mom age, and yes, my mom tuh maju habis dh!

beb, i guess, they were just being the typical makcik mengumpat. the typical byk makan garam thing. haha

Anonymous said...

kerteh has a mall now? cool!
makcik2 mcm tu have nothing else to say. they prob cant stand ppl yg dont conform to the traditional life of married by 22, kids by 25.

Hani said...

thinking about which, najia, i pon have the same minded.

but at least i never tell them out loud. haha

asotoko said...

tak pa z... kata mak cik tua... mata dah rabun la tu kot!! terbakar plak aku baca kutuk mcm tu.

kaymalini said...

vice versa ngan ako lop.
sume orang ingat ako 19.
petua die.zac kene kawan ngan budak2 mude.petua ni.


p/s:zac,mari lepak umah ako.jangan lupe bawak lappy.umah ako tenet 24hours free.wifi office belakang umah.tak gune pasword.

Merissa K. said...

heheheh. ni serious lawak gila ok!

ok what they said that babe, rather than 'tgk la budak zaman sekarang? pakai nak mengalahkan artis! dah la tak reti duduk rumah. datang starbucks online. cuba cuba la belajar duduk rumah, masak ke, lipat kain ke'

