Friday, June 20, 2014

What I Know Now at 29...

The internet is like the glossary of dos and donts to life. If I read all the links people on my facebook timeline share, I most prolly won't get any sleep. But when Raja shared it, I know it's worth reading (unless you know, its something about fish.. history.. geographic location.. oh well!).

I read this post, twice, thinking how is it possible that nothing but a lengthy blabbering from a woman spot on me so much like a bullet to my head. While I'm still so much anticipating for some to happen (point number 27 to be exact), I couldn't help but to think 'oh waw everything is so true'!

1. If we are smart, we start to realize that not everything in life needs our commentary or opinion. I have less opinions now at 29 than I did at 20, when I entered this precious decade. I personally view that as a sign of growth.

Yes. Point number one, already making a point. Oh God.

3. If you are lucky, your mom and dad will still be around. If you are really lucky, you will find yourself closer to them than ever before. If you are the luckiest of all, they will be the two most precious people in your life.
I stopped for a moment reading this. I have realised a long time ago that at this age, this is the best blessing I have in life.

5. Eventually, the most fun nights will be the ones with your loved ones in PJs, or at home with friends and family, a bottle of wine and maybe even their baby.
Yup. true. Ok. moving on!

8. I spent a lot of money traveling. I have zero regrets about it. In fact, the only regret I have is that I didn't keep a journal.
From tomorrow, onwards, I will backtrack all my travels and put it in this blog, every little detail of em. I think I owe myself like, 10 posts already. sigh.

15. The friends you have had for 15+ years are likely to stay your friends forever. These bonds will come to mean more to you year after year. Their children will be your nieces and nephews. They become your family. Eventually, you come to realize you share more intimate details with your friends than even your significant other... or maybe that is just me? 
Sigh, I don't write this article. the writer somehow read my mind. If I were to copy paste one by one I might as well copy paste the whole thing. Here's one last point, this one is THE best, at least i think so.

18. There is no blueprint to life. Some of your friends will get married early, some late and some not at all. Some will make a lot of money and some won't. Some will have five children and some will have none. Some will travel the globe and others may never leave the state. As Nietzsche once wrote, "this is my way, what is your way? THE way does not exist." Try and remember this before you tell your friends how to live their lives. Try not to judge anyone for the way they live their life as well.
 While some already wrap their heads around this idea, some still don't. But refer to point no 28, then it will all be enough.

Ah so good to read this before I turn 29!

ps: Spain is out. what else is new?

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