Monday, October 27, 2008

because Rumet checked my blog and there was no update

so here is for you. I miss you and you know that (oh-so-corny-but-wadehel!).

I'm trying to swallow all the facts that these people ESP my Rumet is c'untly BUSY trying to figure out which path to follow (as I may reckon, Magh clearly sees the light of her future; that is to tie the knot) and others are busy with all the Final year stuffs (interviews, project completion and presentation, and other They-Have-No-Time-For-Me Things) so I'm backing off.

But once they are complete and you guys are absolutely doing nothing, so there I'll be bugging you all to double the time to spend with me. Oh, try me!

Aliah will just be my mangsa buli with no excuse.
Ad will be the one I always asked for extensive assistance and helps!
Magh will be my companion to wherever I wanna be.
Nett will be the one who agrees on almost everything.
Aisha will be the one who quarrel when I needed a row ha-ha!
Iza will be the source of my entertainment pleasure (oh, sesuatu? haha!).
Raja will be the one who gives brilliant ideas and share same thoughts.
Hazirah will be my gossip partner.
Rumet will be the one with too many updates yet to little time to tell!

I miss these twits it hurts and even killing!


Anonymous said...

so swit la kamu

Anonymous said...

mangsa buli??...hmm..tu dlu..skrg ni bkn ke awk yg jd mangse buli kte..hehehe...kte tau awk miss,ape lg..dtg la cni.. ;)