Thursday, October 23, 2008

because I have a Great life

and I need to tell myself that (all the time).

I need to start being happy, grateful; and stop being unhappy and complaining.

I have to stop comparing my current life with my previous (say: my Super great intern life, or muda-mudi at UTP) and start make something out of my current life.

Or to stop dreaming of my future or the life I never had.

When Afiq said bad things happened 3 times in a row, Husna said, 3 good lucks will follow.

I'm wishing for more than that!

And for starter;

1- Got new laptop, finally : checked!
2- Gaji dah masuk : checked
3- Will be going to KL this evening : checked
4- Met my old eye candy from zaman kegemilangan as supporter UTP soccer League : Checked
5- Somebody promised to open table, tomorrow : checked
6- Finally, New Andy is confirmed! : Checked

See! More than 3 now! My life is not that bad!


Unknown said...

thank god u realize.things are not that bad either kn? :D

Anonymous said...

things happen for a reason zek. dun u wori. hehe

fat ass said...

nak rase power andy baru jugak !


Husna said...

kenyang hell makan nandos!
thanks to Pink!