Wednesday, October 8, 2008

because I am a very complicated person.

Apart from the 15 + 7 facts I've revealed, still there are a few things yang I sangat pantang.

1. I sangat pantang bau bihun goreng and cili sos dalam air cond. Macam bau tong sampah tau.

2. Pantang bila ada orang buat bising waktu I tidur. Kejut I for so not important things eg kucing mati jugak tak boleh dimaafkan.

3. Pantang bila orang question I about time. Because if I said pagi besok, that means bila bangun. If I said after Zohor, that means before Asar. If I said lepas Chuna balik dating, that means selagi Chuna kat luar then thats it. Anymore question like "Tapi pukul berape" will result in inactive volcano exploded.

4. I pantang bila i tekankan point I orang cakap "jangan marah". Try buat I marah, then only you know I was just trying to convince my point. Kan kerel? :P

5. I hate it when people called others names. Like husband is "Che Abang", baby is "Awang/Semek Kecik", wifey is "Orang Rumah". Kan bes kalau cakap "Hubby/Wifey cuti hari ni. Hantar Munchkin 1st day school" kan bes?

The other day, at our open house, Ayah's friend pointing at Momma muda-muda-punya-picture.

"Eh, Kak Wan? Tu Kak Wan ke Kak Long,"
"Kak Wan la.."
"Kak Long, sebijik macam mama!"
"Yelah, pakcik. Dah KAKLONG kan anak mama Kak Long! (insert muka marah here)"

I have a name. And it is not Kak Long.


botolbiru said...

i'm sorry
because i know i'm the person who asking about the time

but i just can't help it
i need to organize the time well

hope u understand after knowing me for more than 5 years now.


kaymalini said...

huhu.hi kak long.sori ah ako dop sempat gi makan mee bandung umah kak long.huhuhuhu.gurao je zac.