Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Free Shoes

About a month ago, after I moved to Kerteh, futsies at Kuantan called to ask me to join their team in a netball tournament.

As a sucker for netball, I waited no any second to say Yes!

So there we were, 6 of us, a young and dangerous team, all clad in black jerseys (scary much!) versus the team of makcik-makcik whom has been playing netball since they were young, and teams of women who have never played netball.

But the rules for the tournament was; NO RULES.

Netball with no freaking rules are literally... throwing balls. So, the 6 of us, mostly players for the company, the state, the school, district, lost big time. WE DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY WITH OUT RULES. it's just... ridiculous.

So yeah.. the makcik2 all went, HAHA young and dangerous but LOST big time, jersy siap ade number lah apelah *shameful*

Haha ok funny funny LOL

then I thought, ah what the hell. Might as well go and play basketball. Just my luck, there was this free shooting competition and who shoots the most, wins.

My lucky basketball day, I shooted THE MOST! *kembang hidung* So I won this voucher from Parkson.

How much does it worth? yeah, good enough to buy me this pair of shoes!

The netball champion, can't even buy half of this.




abrak said...

hamoih. gelak keji :P

suke betul dpt kasut free. children ke female tu? LOL

Unknown said...

aku mendengar gelak keji. hahahah!