Monday, December 14, 2009

I lost the key to freedom.

I lost the gold bracelet with my name written on it that was given by my parents for my 21st birthday.

Sangat sedih. Gelang ni banyak sangat jadi saksi untuk seribu kenangan. Now it's gone =(

Don't ask me how. Enough to remind me of how stupid I was for not taking it off before the trip to Gambang Waterpark.

But things happened.

Anyway, Saturday was exhausting! Gambang Waterpark, Karok, 2012. And I'm totally broke!

tengok. Dalam Gambar ni, I feel perfect with the bracelet. Now, rasa macam bogel!

ps: sampai demam semalam teringat kat gelang yang dah hilang =(


Aishah AR said...

omg its contagious kan?
but i got mine back, terselit under seat kereta kot..huhu
im so sorry for your loss :(

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Hani said...

huhu chah. im pretty sure i'll never got mine back.


yg sedihnye gelang tu hilang lepas aku dh siap2 mandi semue dh nk blk ok. saba je la kan.

Elena said...

Oh dear I'm really sorry for the loss! I have lost a very treasured bracelet once; sedih dan kecewa all balled up.

But but, trust me you'll be okay (if you aren't already!) when you realize that these things are just tokens; time, memories, and emotions are safe in our hearts :)

miserlyn said...

met.kurusny tgn u.xpe,we will grab the another 3k bracelet.deng