Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sunday Morning Breakfast Brunch.

The Bestfriend aka Lalim is coming back to Malaysia in a few days. In fact, he may already is on his way! Oh My God. One year flew like a sec. It feels like just yesterday when I watched him departed at KLIA.

Now, he's coming back again. Yeay!

And one thing I can't wait for is, our ritual Sunday Morning Breakfast Brunch.

One year has passed since the last one. One year full of gossips and updates. We are gonna have another sunday morning brunch I guess, like last year, when we finished our 'Breakfast' at 12.00pm!

Ahh one year. So many things had happened in one year. So many things have changed.

As much as I wished we'd all stay the same, I love this changes.

And Oh, on 8th August, Lalim's sis is getting married, hence, the BFF will also be here. AHHHH I see heaven in true colours now!!!


ps: Yes I don't think I ever gonna blog about Penang since it seems like, all the photogs except Abrak are never gonna upload the photos jeez!

1 comment:

kerel said...

alar, sorry lar, aku tak cukup tgn dah, wiken pon kene kijer.. hihu ~!!

p/s: worst weekend ever ~ haish ~