Thursday, October 31, 2013

Big Fat Girls Don't Cry

The long holiday is approaching and I had no idea that my friends are all going away for holiday. Seriously? They are all leaving Malaysia for Thailand/Indonesia/Nepal wherever in the world. I am the only one who is left alone having the road and streets and malls all to myself.


It's FINE moment.
One FINE day I'll be able to text them I'M LEAVING NOW, BYE BITCHES.

But actually, I am not complaining. I understand the situation that it is hard for me to take leave during any festive season so that's why I didn't make any plan for this long Deepavali holiday. Which turns out to be good because Mama and Ayah are coming (YEAYY) but guess what..

They will also be leaving for holiday with the aunts and uncles to Melaka.

OMG seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I'm gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

At the office.


Because everybody is on leave.


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