Sunday, April 7, 2013

Basil and Oregano


Tomorrow I'm going to be the first person ever alive WHO have never been pregnant BUT have been to the antenatal class, TWICE.

I have no justification why I do this, but I'm not complaining.

To think that the first time I went was with Magh and when she was pregnant with Maryam and look at Maryam now she's a big girl! So maybe it's about time I need a refreshment course.



Tried to cook something HEALTHY today it turns out to be so sucky, but the chicken are good I swear! Didn't have enough of it.

Chicken, brinjals, tomato, garlic, olive oil, basil, oregano, pepper and salt all mixed up.

It's not that I want to start eating healthily or something (maybe I should) but I was famished and believe me that is all I could find in our fridge so I came up with it. It's basically my masterpiece.

I swear the chicken were good, the brinjals and tomatoes, on the other hand, went to garbage.


No I didn't eat my food of the ironing board. Omg please don't tell my roommates.

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