Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Peri Cintaku

Last weekend I was invited to a wedding with Mama and Ayah. It was a wedding of Mama's friend's daughter. Total random, total stranger, but Mama has been reminding me since December that I MUST attend this wedding. Mkay, Mum.

There was no highlight of the wedding. I don't know the couple, I don't like the place, I don't like seated weddings, the food is not that good, it was just a night for me, until I saw this.

I was a wee bit jealous of my Mama and her girlfriends. They are all pretty and look so young albeit being in their mid 50s already. So jealous of their bond and their 'brunch with girlfriends' kinda day, everyday.

Not to mention they are so frigging rich. SOOO JEALOUS.

Me and my girlfriends will get there, we will!

ps: it's that time of the year, again. You know, the dreading e-filing. Remember, dalam rezeki kita ada rezeki orang lain. 

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