The thing I love the most is FOOD. The thing I love to do the most is EAT.
The love I have for food and eating can even overcome the fear of obessity and overweight (trust me if I said, 'bencinya gemuk' I really mean 'I'm making a conversation here'!)
People who weighed like me would stop eating once they stepped down the weigh scale. TRUST ME I'm HEAVYYYY haha.
But there are some food I can't resist. Oh Slurp.
Gulai Tempoyak, Nasi Beriani, Nasi Kandar, Sambal Petai, Singgang Tulang, Sup Kaki, Ayam Percik, Pece Lele (haha), and many many many many moahh.
So last nite, I was thinking, setapnyeeee Sambal Udang Petai. Hence, I decided to MAKE some. yummayh! So here,
1. Masuk dapur, bukak peti.
2. Keluarkan tupperware labeled 'Sambal Petai 4 kakak. Jangan Usik!'
3. Panaskan kuali, kemudian, panaskan sambal petai di atas.
4. Siap untuk dihidang.

Sekian Terima Kasih.
Haha yes! I suck at cooking; even have to bungkus ikan yang dah siap letak garam kunyit from rumah! Haha.
ps/ I got a task today. Turn an empty whiteboard to an attractive notice board. So I literally screamed 'RAJA PLEASE BE HERE, NOW!' before the above picture (with the hasil macam gampang) taken. Haha.
nk ckit
nyum2..beh nye
se lagi mu tinggal..mee tomyam noodle station..hahaha.zac mmg suke makan..ahahaha..miss u zac
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