Thursday, July 17, 2008

Perihal Kasih

I don't know, Qistina. I don't know any reason why we can't stop loving you.

It's not the panic your Papa had when your Mama's water broke.

It's not the fast heartbeat your Tok had waiting for Mami to take her to the clinic where you were supposed to be delivered.

It's not the worries your Nyang had when you were still in your Mama's belly after 21 hours of labour pain.

It's not the tears that we all shed in the labour room when your Mama screamed in pain trying to push you out for 3 hours.

It's not the fact that I went in the labour room when I swore it'd be the last place I'd go in unless its my time.

It's not the starving we had for 12 hours because we wouldn't leave the labour room just to hear you cry for the first time.

It's not the ambulance ride that took you and Mama to the General Hospital, finally, after 18 hours of continously contractions.

It's not the quick nap you Ayah Heri had in front of the operation theatre on the floor.

It's not the disspointment Papa had when he couldn't see the doctor take you out from Mama's belly.

It's not even the bullshit things the Doctor at the Klinik Keluarga said about seeing your head and all when you were actually still high in Mama's belly.

It's nothing, Qistina, like seeing you smile for the first time.

Yes Qistina Arissa, we have no reason at all to hate you.

In fact, we have no reason to hate a Gift from God like you.

Qistina, kau Keajaiban!

1 comment:

Laila Hanna said...

hey kakak
aku dah balik ke sini
bila kau mahu datang ke sini
memandangkan kau macam tak ada kerja di sana
datanglah ke sini