Monday, September 14, 2015


Funny thing about Joe is, it comes when you least expected it (some people say). When your younger cousin - who is close to you - was (suddenly, out of nowhere) getting engaged, it's nothing unusual that you'd get a comparison.

And my friend thought being the only girl in the family I don't get compared to anybody, well in a perfect world I won't.

My cousins are buying houses, going further studies, getting married/engaged, getting promoted, expanding family, dealing with cancer and stuffs and I'm here like 'what do I eat for lunch today?'. So much fun.

I have no bad feeling about watching a lil cousin getting married before me, if I have to be honest. Because it's what she wants, she ought to get it. The thing is, PEOPLE think I have a problem with it, and I have a problem with what PEOPLE think. If only they would shut up. No. If only they would ask me, what I actually want.

But no. They can ask, but whatever I say, is in no way getting a pass without getting judged. SO yeah. I might as well keep quiet and just smile anytime they say 'Oh when is it going to be your turn? We are all not getting any younger, you know?'

Oh thanks for putting that to my senses, NO I DIDN'T KNOW. *fakesmile*

Remember that cousin we all used to know? What happened to her? Maybe you asked her too many questions that she didn't want to answer.

I am genuinely happy (I can tell everyone is, we all are already discussing colours and stuff) but in no way that I'm not getting impression like 'don't you want any of this?'

Sick. Sick. People.

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