Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I went there with no expectation, but a few things in mind including taking my Ayah for the first time to Istana Budaya. I think he loves it, Mama has been there a few times before.

That Fathia girl is talented, but I think, her beauty overshadow her talent.

Aiman Hakim Ridza is OMG.

The best scene was the scene when Permaisuri took a bath in a majestic pool, the whole setting was very very pretty.

The best thing about the night was, Aiman Hakim Ridza approached me (HE DID I SWEAR) andddd I decided to grab his hand and tadaaa

My friends were like 'Tangan siapa lagi kau raba tu zac!!' haha can't help it, maybe berkat birthday girl kata, ambik gambar macam Nomad zac!!

ps: Divorce, shall never be celebrated.

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