Thursday, October 6, 2011

Perfect Life vs Awesome Life

Some people are lucky. Sekolah hebat. Scholar hebat. Kolej hebat. Dekat Kolej jumpa Gf Bf hebat. Kerja hebat. Kahwin fresh flowers. Hantaran belas ribu. Kawin setahun anak satu. Beli rumah. Tuka kereta. Naik pangkat. Pergi haji. Life is perfect, life is smooth. Artchitectured and engineered for perfection!

But some people not so lucky. Tak masuk U. Tak ada GF BF. Kahwin lambat. Kerja tak tetap. Hutang merata. Tapi life awesome.

Yes. Awesome. Do things people won't do, known for so many special things, dump into shit and bounced back just right, masuk mulut buaya tapi still survive. These are the kind of people that when they're gone, everyone will remember.

Susah nak describe awesome. Tapi perfect life doesn't mean its awesome, and vice versa.

So when you look at people and you think, ahh perfect hidup dia. Remember, its not because urs are not, its because urs is AWESOME!

And you, you may not make my life perfect, but you make it awesome :D

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1 comment:

kaymalini said...

nasib orang yang bernasib baik, buatkan kite rasa kita bernasib tak baik. -4 single fathers.

tu jawapan dia.