Monday, September 12, 2011

Jaja is a Wifey

But before I go into details, I’d like to make a public service announcement.


On the reception day (11th September 2011) the make up artist NEVER SHOWED UP.


I woke up at 9.30am, and I wake the bride up, only to learn that the make up artist was not here yet.

We called him a thousand times, until 11 am he didn’t show up still (the reception was supposed to start at 11am).

Kak Jaja was all positive that he will show up as he left all his stuffs in the room but he never did anyway.


It was so embarrassing, we had to ask the groom’s family to wait a lil longer while we called for OTHER MUA, and we were lucky Kak Mas from Shah Alam agreed to come in a VERY short notice.


The bride was all crying, had panic attack, the whole family tried to help but to no avail, the event was delayed, we had to apologize thousand times to the groom’s family (luckily they understand) and everything just went into chaos JUST BECAUSE OF THE RUDE MAKE UP ARTIST.


Somehow Kak Mas did a magical job, the bride was pretty, despite the crying, the eyebags were not OBVIOUS! (magic!) and the day went perfect (they had a very outstanding live band, we had fun dancing the whole day!)


And thennnn the make up artist decided to come and pick up all his stuffs, OKAY!! Oh my god HOW FUCKING RUDE IS THAT? He said he was OVERSLEPT!!! He put on his very KESIAN face and promise to REFUND in ONE MONTH TIME, but he wants his stuffs back!!




He left the bride in panic attack, we have to face the groom’s family with embarrassment OUR WHOLE LIFE, he came back when the event is over, ASKED FOR HIS STUFFS BACK and PROMISE to refund in ONE MONTH?? What kind of human is that!!!


He’s lucky enough we did not throw his stuffs away and sue him!


So to brides-to-be out there, just in case you’re considering MUA, you might want to BE CAREFUL with this MUA named RIEZZA AMOR. From what I understand he does make up for Lisa Surihani.


I’m not saying DON’T take him, but you may wanna be EXTRA CAREFUL, just in case, you know, HE OVERSLEPT AGAIN.


On the other note,

Kak Jaja is like a sister I never had to me. Today she’s a wifey to Anwar Zamree.

As much as I hate the fact that I can no longer crash her room as I please, I am happy to know that she’s taken.





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