Thursday, September 1, 2011

Eid Mubarak 2011

I feel like my life is moving on a very fast pace.

3 years ago I started giving duit raya. I was 22, I was already putting notes in the green envelopes. Today, this year, this kids they see me handing those papers, they feel 'normal'. No more 'waaa che hani bagi duit raya laaa'

I expected a lot of 'bila lagi' questions, just like 3 years back. But hey suprise suprise, they get used to it LONG before I do. So yes, adelaa yang kurang asam, tapi xdela mcm selalu ;)

But my raya just started. We had simple 1st day at home (for the first time!), before we headed to Manek Urai for winner Gulai Tempoyak and series of fireworks! And now, kota bharu time.

Good food, come to mommmmma!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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