Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Acara berbuka, complete.

Via ipad angah.

22 Aug - Mekar - Secret Recipe, Alamanda.

Thank you for coming all the way to Putrajaya dari segenap pelosok lembah kelang, semata-mata sebab Tuan Puteri shift malam. You guys are truly the best!

Raje dearie caught in a little misfortune on the way to Alamanda. Sorry I didn't act right, I wasn't thinking straight and I was panic too. Next time (touch wood) I will know what to do! You will bounce back because you're strong like that!

23 Aug - Supercousins - The Ship

Angah is flying to London. This may be the last time we get to spend together.

Terima kasih untuk yang curi masa untuk berbuka dan bermoreh bersama.
Ever heard of 'if people want to be with you, they will make a way' :)

Makan di the ship tapi check in di tony romas. Biaselah. Gile glemer.

Acara berbuka, lengkap. Tinggal satu lagi, the Seris. Then, off home! Love!

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