Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sofea Jane.

So AJL, yeah. Ana Raffali wins. Ok.

Just like Klubbkidd said, 'If art has to be explained, that means the artist failed to convey the art'.

My personal pick was Sofea Jane, albeit Black performed really bad that night (not as good as Semi Finals), I still think the song is strong.

Kau ibarat permata di dalam hiasan kaca
Yang tak bisa disentuh namun hanya boleh dipandang
Ingin sekali ku sentuh ingin jua ku miliki

Motif sangattt gambar sekadar hiasannn nii hahaha

Tonight i'm going back to Terengganu after 2 months. Ohh rindunya.

ps: something really awesome may be is happening now, I don't know, we all don't know yet. But if we wait, there, may be :)

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