Monday, April 27, 2009

Hello Human!

Redang post will come when all the underwater pics are with me. But for the meantime, here's some of the non-underwater pics.

Sorrylah kitorang spent 80% of the time in the water! so gamba tak banyak lah 'upper' water. haha. (PLUSSSS most most most pics are extraaaaa censored hahaha)

N btw today I chatted with Nine. I ended up stuttered just as if I saw him LIVE. maybe because they put a camera and live streaming video and it so freaking is a turn on factor of the day.

When the streaming video is up, terus hahhhh i get ready my camera and snapped! siap suruh nine senyum and buat peace lagi. OMG so cuteeee!!!!!

khas untuk cik Mialystic

He smiled!!!!


miserlyn said...

hahahahaha pe la u ni met.ptt la xnk lyn i yesterday,chet ngn nine rpeny. Jeles tgk u ol g redang. mention la nme i yg pegi separuh jln smp stesen bas je,kol 6ppgi tuuu=p hahaha xsbr tggu u blk;)ehem2.

Unknown said...

rambut itew?
ape ka?

RS. said...

where, when, how?? what the chatting thing is all about???

hahaha.. i mean i cant believe they have THAT??

so that you could be updated with YOUR FAVORITE STAR??


btw, if kaki bersilang2 underwater kire soft porn x??


Mag said...

huhuhu..mcm bgn2 tdo je comeiii