Wednesday, September 17, 2014


We were playing Pictionary one night (we == me and my cousins) and then I had to draw -- ICICLE.
I had no idea what is this (I figured out later) so I decided to draw bits by bits.

Like Cicle, sounds like circle, bicycle, and I is you know, iPad, iPhone. Haha.

So i drew, nobody got it ofcourse, especially I don't how to draw iPad.
So when I said, it's iPad, I, from I-CICLE geddit??
My cousin went like, "OH MY GOD YOU COULD HAVE DRAWN EYE!! EYEEEE = I!!"

and then we all laughed, real hard, (who wouldv'e thought of an iPhone?)
and she said, ahh so that's you, right. You have the easy way out but you go the furthest way you know how.

So maybe the right guy has always been in front of you.

Ahhh passing judgement from Pictionary now are we???

well, for all I know, time is up.

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