Thursday, November 24, 2011

I now appreciate the last 5 months, more.

The rest of this post is pretty private, but WTH.

So I had my period today. it has been 5 months. yes. I missed my mens for 5 months. people around me who (pretend to, or not) care, keep asking me to go check. BLOODYHELL WHAT TO CHECK DOWN THERE?

my mum was so worried that I may have develop more testosterone since I've been watching more football lately. yes as much as it souns so not scientifically relevant or at least logic, I know deep down inside she must have been worried I may have grown a penis.

And the day is here. I FORGOT HOW BAD THE STOMACH CRAMP IS. and I'm not that type who suffer during her period. My period symptoms is mild, as such on my first day I can still drink ice and go jogging (not that i do it anyway). Some girls, they just have to tuck in their bed and do nothing while they lost lots of blood. I'm just lucky.

I wonder why this past 5 months I've been wanting this stomach cramp shit and all, bloodyhell everyone just wanna be normal it hurts!!

And the mood swing, I just snap at everyone including my boss.

Oh my period hormones are bad.

Guys, appreciate your girls. Seriously this is a torture so that you all can have all your sex pleasure and someone to carry your name in the future, but wth, you go and OFFER US PAYUNG EMAS DI SYURGA?


1 comment:

dueng said...

5 months? really need to get it check. cause it's not normal. the check inclusive of your hormone levek check up, your stress level etc. afraid it will affect your fertility.