Monday, October 18, 2010

Dedikasi untuk Kartika Malini

Some women are single by their own choices.

They are either not ready; or you are not that good; or they don't mind to stay one.

it's their choice. no one is good enough to judge a woman who chose to stay single.

so next time you look down at us and say 'oh so pity you're so pathetic';

guess what, we think the same of you too for putting yourself in such misery and sick love lives.

so the next time you feel insecure about your boyfriend who is my ex;

fuck off. you are so not in my league.

i don't compete with someone who took my leftovers. THATS IT.

image : google.


kaymalini said...

pic copy kat mana?haha.

sid sienna said...

nice one.. yup; we simply not like guy who obviously can't live without us.. :D n also not like other girl who felt being single is misery... hehe...