Friday, August 26, 2011

You're the Best Thing I Never Had.

Ade seorang lelaki yang I suka, I tunggu dia, lamaaaa. I puja dia, dialah yang paling best. Dialah lelaki agung yang boleh ambik alih tugas ayah. Dielahhh semue semua ni.

Pastu dia panggil I gemuk, I turn off.

Pastu...ya Allah. Banyak lagi benda dia buat, I malu nak mengaku I pernah suka dia. (So ni rahsia antara kita 2 je tau!)

So lagu Beyonce ni, nah amek! Amek dekat kau.

There was a time
I thought, that you did everything right
No lies, no wrong
Boy I, must've been outta my mind
So when I think of the time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and I saw the real you

Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out

I wanted you bad
I'm so through with it
Cuz honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
I bet it sucks to be you right now

So sad, you're hurt
Boo hoo, oh, did you expect me to care?
You don't deserve my tears
I guess that's why they ain't there
When I think that there was a time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and I saw the real you

I know you want me back
It's time to face the facts
That I'm the one that's got away
Lord knows that it would take another place, another time, another world, another life
Thank God I found the good in goodbye

Part you want me back tu tak kene la sikit. Tapi seriously ok, u tau what u need? A girl-friend. Bukan kekasih, kawan perempuan. Bukan mcm kawan kau yg sibuk2 reply tweet kau wall kau setiap masa tu. Tu bukan kawan! Tu die sebok nak expose diri so die stand a chance.

Jangan jadi loser, please. Pasal you got that something, you just dunno how to use it.

For a starter, cukup2 la mengorat dekat twitter. You're so cheap, loser.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Acara berbuka, complete.

Via ipad angah.

22 Aug - Mekar - Secret Recipe, Alamanda.

Thank you for coming all the way to Putrajaya dari segenap pelosok lembah kelang, semata-mata sebab Tuan Puteri shift malam. You guys are truly the best!

Raje dearie caught in a little misfortune on the way to Alamanda. Sorry I didn't act right, I wasn't thinking straight and I was panic too. Next time (touch wood) I will know what to do! You will bounce back because you're strong like that!

23 Aug - Supercousins - The Ship

Angah is flying to London. This may be the last time we get to spend together.

Terima kasih untuk yang curi masa untuk berbuka dan bermoreh bersama.
Ever heard of 'if people want to be with you, they will make a way' :)

Makan di the ship tapi check in di tony romas. Biaselah. Gile glemer.

Acara berbuka, lengkap. Tinggal satu lagi, the Seris. Then, off home! Love!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bebeb is 25

So the Pwingsehs semua dah 25, now what? lepas sessi mabuk-mabuk pop di club Pwingsehs, sampaila sessi bertamadun makan berbuka di Alexis.

Peristiwa Mulberry 'tolong panggil de kejap', peristiwa 'anak sapela nangis ni?', peristiwa Saa hilang di toilet midvalley, and banyak lagi peristiwa.

untuk 25, 26 27 sampaila ke 127857839294775949 tahun seterusnya.

Bila orang tanya 'How come you are still friend with her up until now?'

You know what I said ' Because she has been putting up with my attitudes too, and i'm not easy to handle'

Happy birthday Bebeb!
Love you!

RIP Jay Gasper

Hari ni bangun tidur, Bebeb BBM, Jay Gasper, a friend of her brother (Abg Boy) has passed away of lung cancer.

Saya tak kenal Jay. Umur dia berapa, duduk mana, nama penuh apa, birthday bila semua i tak tau. Tapi sekitar March 2009, I di Jakarta waktu tu, tiba-tiba Abg Boy cakap, kawan dia nama Jay akan join kitorang.

The next thing I know, Jay was part of the trip and it was hell fun with him around.

Berlagak macam diva, menari macam clubbing tengah-tengah show malique, pakai topi krispy kreme and jerit gratis gratis kat semua orang, compete dengan I and Dell mengorat lelaki sama, and lots more, we shared a good time.

I felt safe and comfortable around him. Waktu tu I baru pakai tudung, and he made it easier, how amazing. I still remember he complimented my Guess shades.

One of the most amazing memory I will always remember of him, is when we were at the Pisa Cafe. I ordered orange juice but the taste turned out to be a lil bit weird. Then Jay cakap, terlebih Vodka ni. OMG.. i was like, aku drink vodka ke tadi. And he went like, TIPU JE!!

OMG i felt like smacking him on the face there and then.

You may be gone too soon, Jay. But you live forever in the memories and stories being told.

Friday, August 19, 2011


'Wey mu tau dok Kim nok kawen doh?'

'Ye dooookkkkkkk?'

'Sabtu ni dohhhh'

'Hakimah Mat Saleh?'


Alaaaa bodola cerite niiiii!!! Hahahaha
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Askar Wataniah

Semenjak jadi askar wataniah ni, i TIDAK PERNAH merasa cuti public holiday. yes I pon tak paham motif sangat kitorang kene kerje public holiday ni. ala-ala menjaga keamanan negara.

so sebulan lepas I cek spreadsheet AND OMG, adakah bumi berputar pada paksinya? kenapa nama I tiada dalam senarai 'BERTUGAS PADA NUZUL QURAN kalau tak rakyat malaysia semua kene jangkitan kusta'.

I pon nekad, mari fully utilise, cuti di tengah minggu, berlagak seperti orang lain yang selalu merasa nikmat public holiday ni.

Start with plan to berbuka puasa bersama exclassmate from Sekolah Rendah. PERHHHH. I got a plan for a public holiday, HOW RARE?

But they bailed out, so the usual suspects, my pwingsehs, decided to just go on. Only that my lalim sibuk-sibuk nak join. yeah, why not.

Cuti Nuzul Quran I bermula dengan movie marathon sampai sahur, masak dan makan sahur, dan akhirnya tidur depan TV lepas Subuh. IYELAH TAK KERJA KAN BESOKNYA.

Bangun menjelang Zohor, mandi sebelum Asar, keluar berfoya-foya ke Kuala Lumpur (yes perlu menganjing ORANG KL yang tak cuti, INI BUKAN SELALU BOLEH BUATKAN???) dan akhirnya berbuka die Ben's Pavillion.

My Spaghetti carbonara

Little early birthday celebration for Bebeb.

Bergosip, mengumpat, tambah order, makan banyak, #fatjoke, main kuiz, feeling horny, luahan perasaan, and everything in between, sampai kena halau.

The Dudes

The Pwingsehs


Thank you Pwingsehs and the Dudes, awesome sangat rasa public holiday hari ni. Walaupon tak dapat duit extra yang 1.6juta tu.. iyerlaa kalau kerja public holiday kann dapat beli kondo 7 bilik kat pinggiran KLCC.

Now, kembali menjadi askar wataniah. Raya pon kena kerja, KAU ADA? HAH, ADA?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tuan puteri ada tempoh 3 hari sahaja

Hari Pertama:

Sejak kejadian upset stomach yang sungguh menyakitkan, I was given another day off. So i thot, ZASS balik kampung cun juga ni. So I order Sup Tulang, Sambal Terung and Ayam percik from Momma. Yes of course Tuan Puteri tiba je menu telah dihidangkan. Alhamdulillah ini namanya nikmat berbuka bersama keluarga.

Hari pertama, kakak nak makan apa, nak pergi mana, nak apa semuaaa mama and ayah beli. OK!

Hasil rembatan tudung dan baju raya SPONSORED by the parents yeay!

Hari kedua:

'Kakak mana duit kereta bulan ni, ayah dah bayar dulu pakai duit ayah?' ZAST! belum apa2 tuan puteri dah kena. SO I buat muka 'ayah tak ada diskaun kerrr please hehe'. Atas budi bicara ayah kata OK diskaun sekian sekian TAPI sila bajet elok-elok untuk road tax (hint: i will not pay for your road tax again this year T_T) baiklah ayah.

'Kakak nak makan apa?' 'Nasi kerabu ok mama?' 'Boleh, sedang molek Kak Zuli ajak berbuka, dia wat nasi kerabu'.

Alhamdulillah ini namanya nikmat berbuka bersama keluarga.

Sempat lagi dating dengan roomate. Walaupun sekejap tapi sampai tengah malam. Tunggu makbonda masing-masing call, tak ada. Akhirnya kita mengalah. THEY FINALLYR EALISED WE'RE BIG GIRLS HEHE now boleh clubbing tanpa ibu syakwasangka, kononnnnnnya.

Hari ketiga:

'Kakak bangunlah pukul berapa dah ni!' 'ayah nak pakai kereta kakak boleh keluar pukul sekian sekian sahaja' 'duit banyak tapi baju/tudung raya pon ayah kena belikan'

Zast!! Title tuan puteri slow slow dilucutkan.. Nasib baik balik 3 hari je kalau tak confirm besok makan nasi bungkus juga haha.

Tapi slow-slow I menagih kasih dengan Tok pula. 'Tok, nak makan ikan bakar bersambal'. 'Ok kakak, nanti Ayah Ngoh buat', 'YEAY!!'

Alhamdulillah ini namanya nikmat berbuka bersama keluarga.

Hari Ahad macam biasa, syarat wajib kena ambil Amalin dari sekolah and buka taska kat rumah. TV kena pasang Astro ceria sampai Amalin kata NAK BALIKK. Ini Tok Ayah Im pon kalah.

Tolong Che Hani wat puteri mandi. Allah rindunyaaaa budak rongak ni.

Tapi ayahkan, anak perempuan satu hatinya dijaga, 'kakak nasib baik beli tiket pukul 11, boleh tengok Lee Chong Wei dengan mama and ayah'.

Saham tuan puteri kena jaga, sebab tuan puteri kalau merajuk, datuk boleh jatuh muflis nak memujuk hehe.

I pon nangis bila byebye mama and ayah, mengada sangat tuan puteri kan, 12 hari je kau pulang ke new york city, nak apa lagi??!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some time off

Today I take a day off. Stomach has been upset since last night, I did not have enough sleep. Trips to the loo sure is no fun.

Plus I need the rest. My body is aching. I'm old you know, old. 25 but my body works like 48.

So today I set myself in front of the idiot box, clenching shil's DVD (borrowed 5 of em) put it on play and fell asleep. Haha. Suddenly its noon. How come its never noon this fast whenever I'm at the office?

No seriously would I need this much money if I don't work. Just stay at home, eat whatever daddy brings home, watch whatever astro shows on TV, sleep wherever Mum set me a bed.

Social life, who bloody cares?

Ok I take that back. Haha.

I had iftar with Safuan and friends last nite. Its so good having him around knowing I can see him anytime. It feels so good. Please come back for good soon.

Ramadhan is almost halfway through, what have you give and got?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Respect to Mothers

I asked Magh to cook for me. Of course, I kan spoilt. Magh cooked exactly what I asked. Ikan singgey, daging goreng, terung bakar, budu. Perhhhh.

I was bloated, i couldn't drive home. So I tidur rumah Magh, with Maryam.

It started with she didn't want to sleep, lepas habis Community Shield match tu kan (YES WHERE MAN CITY LOST :( false hope! false hope!) and it was already about 12. She still wanted to playyyy.

And then I didn't know when did she sleep, but she woke up a few times, on a less than 1 hour gap. Perhhhhhhhhhhhh.

and this is Maryam, the angel baby! (you don't hear she cries that much!!)

I NOW RESPECT ALL MOTHERS, working, not working, with 1 or more kids, YOU GUYS ARE SUPERWOMAN.

Ok nak pergi snooze at the surau. DONT TELL MY BOSS!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

my friends spoil me so bad

i said i want nasi daun pisang, i got it.
i want coffee, i got it.
i want bread butter pudding, bebeb made it.
i said when i work night shift, come eat at saba with me. they say, ok.
i want nasi lemak darus, we were halfway home, but i still got it.

my friends spoil me bad, no guy can ever take their place :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ketandusan WAG

Kita di Malaysia ketandusan WAG yang berguna. WAG malaysia lebih suka low profile or sibuk update blog call Harian Metro jaja cerita tunang curang watsoever. WHO BLOODY CARES?

We need a true WAG, so bila ada cerita bodoh macamni, we don't need our heroes to answer the press.

*image from sokerleaks*

Ini cerita remeh pon kena call Amirulhadi and Safee Sali. Perjuangkan hak WAG, let WAGS deal WAGS. baru kau tau langit ni tinggi ke rendah, kan?

BTW, you, Shahril Ishak, good looking captain of Singapore Football Team, pity you. Muka kau hensem, body kau tough, tapi taste NAN HADO. Nasihat sket bini tu, ke nak suruh WAGS of Malaysia yang basuh?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The 19 Girls

Ceritanya, ada orang putus tunang, hilang kekasih to a younger girl.
She is 22, and the other girl is 19.

I once lost a guy to a 19 girl too.
We females are cursed. as we get older, there are always 19 girls.

Waw. GIRLS in their 19.
I wonder what I did when I was 19.


but yes come to think of it, on my 20s, i got a text;

'Oh kaulah perempuan gatal yang suka kacau boyfriend aku kan?'

HAH! 19, 20, sama je. BEEN THERE DONE THAT. hah!

Ermmm tweets yang cute.

Dah 2 hari puasa. Lapar alhamdulillah belum, tapi mengantuk yang kronik. Why lah. Pening kepala tahan mengantuk, tido sampai berdengkur2 kat surau. Bangun je semua orang pandang, macam tdo kt stage haha.

Semalam nasi ayam kampung, perhhhh! Hari ni citenye beli kat param. Prung prang prung prang param burn a whole in the pocket la jugak!

nak beli air tebu tibe-tibe pikir hari normal tak pernah-pernah makan tebu, so hari ni beli neskafe. I need my caffeine fix!

Masak, belum lagi. Tak tau bila nak masak, tak masak dah kot haha. Semalam pergi tengok ayah chik kt IJN. Che Bi tanya berbuka apa. I cakap beli je, tak masak pon. Che Bi diam kejap, pastu die kata,

'Tak masak takpe, tapi tau masak kan?'


Ni pukul 1pagi duk update blog. Besok mulelaa mengantuk. Apa punya body clock ko pakai ni azhani!!

Btw, tweets by amirulhadi zainal so cute. I wanna be his WAG!