Monday, August 22, 2011

RIP Jay Gasper

Hari ni bangun tidur, Bebeb BBM, Jay Gasper, a friend of her brother (Abg Boy) has passed away of lung cancer.

Saya tak kenal Jay. Umur dia berapa, duduk mana, nama penuh apa, birthday bila semua i tak tau. Tapi sekitar March 2009, I di Jakarta waktu tu, tiba-tiba Abg Boy cakap, kawan dia nama Jay akan join kitorang.

The next thing I know, Jay was part of the trip and it was hell fun with him around.

Berlagak macam diva, menari macam clubbing tengah-tengah show malique, pakai topi krispy kreme and jerit gratis gratis kat semua orang, compete dengan I and Dell mengorat lelaki sama, and lots more, we shared a good time.

I felt safe and comfortable around him. Waktu tu I baru pakai tudung, and he made it easier, how amazing. I still remember he complimented my Guess shades.

One of the most amazing memory I will always remember of him, is when we were at the Pisa Cafe. I ordered orange juice but the taste turned out to be a lil bit weird. Then Jay cakap, terlebih Vodka ni. OMG.. i was like, aku drink vodka ke tadi. And he went like, TIPU JE!!

OMG i felt like smacking him on the face there and then.

You may be gone too soon, Jay. But you live forever in the memories and stories being told.

1 comment:

Nadya Jaafar said...

Hello there, someone posted your blog link in Jay's fb. hence me reading your blog, today.

Such kind words dear. He too was my friend. We hung out for a brief moment which lead to a new friendship.

He was truly a wonderful person and definitely very supportive & positive.

U should see his fb page, oh so many friends have left their prayers & love.

its nice to know that though you n i dont know each other, we have Jay in common.

May he rest in peace.