Monday, August 8, 2011

Respect to Mothers

I asked Magh to cook for me. Of course, I kan spoilt. Magh cooked exactly what I asked. Ikan singgey, daging goreng, terung bakar, budu. Perhhhh.

I was bloated, i couldn't drive home. So I tidur rumah Magh, with Maryam.

It started with she didn't want to sleep, lepas habis Community Shield match tu kan (YES WHERE MAN CITY LOST :( false hope! false hope!) and it was already about 12. She still wanted to playyyy.

And then I didn't know when did she sleep, but she woke up a few times, on a less than 1 hour gap. Perhhhhhhhhhhhh.

and this is Maryam, the angel baby! (you don't hear she cries that much!!)

I NOW RESPECT ALL MOTHERS, working, not working, with 1 or more kids, YOU GUYS ARE SUPERWOMAN.

Ok nak pergi snooze at the surau. DONT TELL MY BOSS!

1 comment:

Mag said...

hahaha..i xsedar pon pagi tadi u balik.--"