Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now Pig has a new sound.

Jangan salahkan I, orang kata panggil nama itu macam satu doa.

During my highschool, people called me Zani. Ustazah kata jangan, pasal Zani tu maksudnya penzina.

So I stopped berzina (sangat!) because they stopped calling me Penzina. They called me Zac instead.

Still meaningless, but at least I didn't end up to be the last as always as any Zac has always been. (A to Z, daa?)

Now, they are calling me Memey. Jangan salahkan I, when I came here, suddenly Memey was a hot story all over Malaysia.

And there it goes, as how much as she needs free publicity because she's new in the entertainment industry, I need one too. Because I'm new here.

That totally works (for both of us), I can tell!

And today while reading Harian Metro with Memey's pic on the headline, the someone's husband walked in the room.

I was alone.




Afraid that doa might actually come true, I told him to come again when I'm not alone, as he might need advise from more experienced people.

I taknaklah nanti when people caught us, I ended up telling

"Saya tak sedar bila dia masuk ke dalam bilik ini. Pasal saya sibuk bekerja, dia tiba-tiba datang. Sumpah saya tak sedar. Saya dan dia cuma berkawan baik sahaja. Tapi kalau ada jodoh saya terima. Dan kalau jodoh tak panjang, saya redha terima nasib macam Kak tuttt. Nak buat macamana, takdir Tuhannnnnnn..."

Saya akhiri ucapan saya pada hari ini dengan lagu

Old McDonald had a farm... e i e i o
And on his farm he has some pigs.. e i e i o
and it goes Memey here memey there
memey memey memey everywhere
Old McDonald had a farm... e i e i o

Kita dengar apa kata pengkritikkkk


Anonymous said...



PiNk said...

Haha memey si gile!


simah said...


p/s: memey seswai jadi kau! ;P

Husna said...

ok jap ade persamaan dowh.





ops :D

Anonymous said...


Hani said...

afiq, wadehel! haha

pink, bukan blushing siottttttt

sima, tah si memey, nk tiru aku je keje!


seryesly, kat mane? haha

magh and aisha yang gile,

i takmoh kawan uolllllllllllllllll

Izzah said...

same kat pipi lah:)


PiNk said...

ahahaahha bengong!

Anonymous said...

1st off. i dunno ANYONE calling u memey??


serious shit ade ke?

eh jap. post neh under tag marah. tp nmpak cm xmarah pon ;/

하 니 said...

same larh!!

fat ass said...

selaku pengkritik bebas

ade lah same !

boleh diperbaiki utk masa akan datang .

Azreel Aswad said...

Apsal lirik lagu old McDonald tu mcm lain dari yg idpelajari? Kamu lupa lirik ek? Camner nk menyanyi kalau luper lirik?!! Mcm ni konfem xleh masuk final! :P