will you be mine?
Since I'm getting a lot of requests for me to hand down this baby.
Here I'm suggesting you guys to just check out the website. It's free and it's online and it has its own wedding tool! (so cool now kan?)
I can assure you that this web is just as useful as the book itself. Plus it doesnt cost you 18bucks and the infos are just the same. That 2inches thick book just contain lots of picts (which most of em you can find in the web)
So here's to the magnificient and cost-wise wedding!
And by the way, while I'm off to planning trips and vacations (and saving money for them) you guys can always borrow the baby and enjoy planning your own very big day, BUT with promise not to scratch a tiny line in it.
In case I might need it very very soon! :p
I g kursus kahwin hr tu, ada hadis kate, kalau ada lelaki kita tau baik and beriman, kita WAJIB tekel. sile beri perhatian, WAJIB. maknenye xwat dose, buat bleh pahala! Ngehehe.
Says Magh. So up to you guys to verify the correctness of the said hadith or to follow this piece of advise ehem :P
Me? I don't know!
p/s: Seema, my dream car can be your future car. for some reason, it can be my future car too. Hee!
perempuan gedik yg gila!!
hahaha jgn sampai mimpi2 jugak ok???
itu magh saye tahu,
zac ade calon ke yg MUST grab?
swift on the way ! :D
Kerja kerja kahwin ini pening.
Wajib. I can't confirm. But to tackle is not a sin in the first place. In a proper manner lah. The proper medium. Bukan bergedik.
Soon. How soon is it?
Hoih! Dah ada satu kereta. Kereta lain pula? Aku pun belum satu, kau sudah mau dua. Tak aciiii!
Adoi ssh nye nk cr yg baek n beriman, pastu nk kena tackle org tu pulak.
ape, pink perempuan gila?
haah haah btol btol btol
hazirah, calon yg must grab tu bersepah. buit should i grab or not jer. haha
woo raje, be careful with what u wish for haha
afiq, keje kahwin ni pening ke, penting? haha
abrak, apelah sgt kekayaan kereta nk dibandingkan dengan kekayaan peribadi haha
sa, kalu gtu u tgu jela org beriman cari u n tackle u, bleh?
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