Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23 March 2010

I have no idea why I love attending weddings. One reason that I can think of is I always love being around happy people.

In contrary to funerals, weddings are supposed to be happy occasion.

I'm happy most of the time, I belong to happy occasions.

Dapat sepupu baru yang cantik. Name die Mira.

I hope that the Infamous Bridesmaid Jinx (once a bridesmaid never a bride?) doesn't get near me. Haha. Nak kawen la nak kawen!

Nampak tak tu sape maid of honour tu tak takut ke kene jinx ha? ha?

Anyway I'm so happy for my cousins (and so penatttttttttt toooo kalah wedding sendiri)

Pengantin pon penat kot!

may one day I find my Mr. Right like Mira found hers. Jealous!

ps: photos from Naqib's and Kak Jaja's camera.


Azreel Aswad said...


Durruz Azam said...

chanteknye pelamin die z.. sape buat? hehehe....

Hani said...

xsure ape name tp dekat shah alam. nnt aku tanyekan.


Durruz Azam said...

okeh beb, aku menunggu jwpn mu. hahaha