Monday, June 8, 2009

I was away for Kak Ann's wedding!

I can't tell how much funnn it was but I'd rather ask you guys to visit our family's blog for more details.

On the other note,

5 of us are now back in action after si kakak gedik ini finally back for good from Germany!

Seronottttt it feels like good old times when everything we did, we did it together. Yippie!

Oh and anyway, MARA sent me a good news. I will have to pay only ONE PERSENT (1%) of my RM57k debt!

that is like, RM577.74. WAW! that's not even my one month scholar!

Ahah. Alhamdulillah!

1 comment:

Aishah AR said...

oh jeles..nak 1% jugak please mara pleaseeee....