Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Rajuk Hati

Selepas merajuk selama 9 bulan, I akhirnya succumb to the need to go to the stadium and breath the football air. Tak boleh merajuk lama-lama, nanti jadi dendam.

Merajuk sebab apa. Sebab masa AFF Suzuki final match hari tu I tak boleh pergi, I dekat Shanghai. SEDIH GILAAA marah diri sendiri sebab how can you be so stupid tak check AFF schedule before beli tiket, lepas tu kalah like wth. So merajuklah (tak tentu pasal).

Lepas tu lama dah I tak tengok bola tapi semalam rasa macam 'kau dah kenapa Azhani?' So i texted my cousin to ask him if he got any ticket to the match. He didn't have any but he bought us (my brother and I) the tickets anyways, so nice of him. Thanks Anwar!

I still have no idea which one I love the most, watching the game, or watching the crowd. But last night, Ultras Malaya validated it for me. They definitely STEAL the limelight.

It started with them marching in the stadium chanting FAM Bangsat, and then they went silent for about 20minutes (Ultras never go quiet, when they do, you gotta be alarmed). and then, there was the first smoke, and the rest, is history.

The game was abandoned, the players were attacked (by flares) and there were flares everywhere it was a moment to witness! Weird enough, we enjoyed it, before we run off like we were attacked by zombies


Oh well, the ultras merajuk for too long, sekarang dah jadi dendam. Well done. Whatever it is, I believe, this is a plot twist.

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