Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Show-off Habit

I have this habit, whenever people compliment anything that I wear (tudung, baju, seluar, skirt, beg, etc) I will directly tell them where I get it.

If you know me well, you know I don't buy expensive things, I don't mind the brand, I always think if I can get something for a cheaper price I'll take it (cheapskate ke miskin tak tahula) but sometimes, most of the time, those nicest things you put on do come with a huge price tag, #truestory

That's why bila kita masuk any store with any 70% signs pon the new arrivals will attract you more kan?

So, whenever people say, 'hey I like your baju/beg/kasut/tudung' I akan reply 'thanks it's from somewhere' and when I say somewhere I really don't mean to brag or show off. I really don't know for some people Cotton On can be huge like 'WOW Cotton On tu!' and to some people MNG is like mehhh 'beli MNG pon nak kecoh'. But it's a habit to say where I get em because living in a country where petite is normal, a plus size like me struggles to find something huge that can be put on nicely that comes with a petite price tag.

And I appreciate it if I compliment some thing on some people I will get the same tips. I really appreciate when they can tell me if they get this during sale, during an oversea trip, as a present or something, I don't take it as showing off. Because I can use those tips.

A twins' wedding Hanisah came to me complimenting my baju. I immediately told her 'thanks, I get it from brickfields'. Do you know that those saree come with supercheap price but very nice detailing and stuff? yes they do! and you will never get these tips if you don't ask from the right person do you?


~lalala~ said...

Hey! Aku suka ok kalo org bagitau derang beli barang tu dari mana. Esok jugak aku nak pegi kedai tu carik. Muehehehe.

Hani said...

kannnn aku pon mcm tu weh.. kalo tau brapa rm lagi bagus! haha