Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Misplaced watch

Over the weekend I went back to Dungun. We had a mini get together to celebrate Raya so most of my cousins were around for 3 days. Awesome as it sounds, yes it was, 3 days of totally homecooked typical WCJ meals, I was in heaven.

We rented a homestay that has 5 rooms and everyone cramped in one space, that was the best
part of it. While helping to clean up the place I misplaced my watch, had it lost for 3 days before Mama found it again.

The moment I saw the watch again I cried. I really thought I was going to lose it forever.

I know it's a bit dramatic, but I never had 2 good watches at one time, so I've been saving instead of spending wanting to get me another good watch so I can have options of which watch to wear.

Kinda first world problem I know but it's a big deal for a big spender like me!

Thank you for spending your time with us cuzzies. You know I say a little prayer for each of you everyday.

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