Friday, March 8, 2013

E Filing for dummies

It is time of the year again when we curse the government for the slowness of their system and their employees. And then you realised how much you've earned this year and then realised how much you have saved (in some case, none *no offense self*) and how much you have spent, and most importantly, for what have you spent your money on.

I mean, come on, government. why can't we reimburse on airfare, concert, and football matches tickets, and fuel fees and phonebills? honestly, are there no kind of reimbursement for entertainment at all? aren't we all practising worklife balance here?

Filling in the form I realised I have not spend one single cent on anything useful. Life insurance? Nope! Broadband? Nope! Sports Appliances? Nope! Books? NOPE!

who bloody read books ANYMORE anyway gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

In the end, daddy to the rescue! 'Email la EA form kakak ke ayah biar ayah buat!"

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