Yesterday I received 2 wedding invitations via facebook, which I both declined. Why? Because these people are so close to my heart, yet I'm not close enough to theirs for them to at least send me a text.
I grew up with Che Pidah. We were bestfriends in High School. I understand that as we grow up we grow apart, but for the sake of two years ups and downs, is it too hard to send a line of text 'hey please come to my wedding?' Instead she did something like HELLO I'm getting married next month and surprise me as well as her other 1000 friends on facebook. I feel so special.
And Aizu, well Aizu is one of my sundies. Sundies has a special place in my heart, always is. Because with Sundies I get to feel so special and real. Aizu even have a BBM, can't he at least hint me thru it about this wedding date? My God.
The thing is I assume that it won't be worth it, all my efforts to fight for leaves during hari raya, fight my father to buy me overpriced flight tickets during public holidays, all the troubles I have to embrace just so that I can be there safe and sound at their weddings, won't even be worth it when they don't even want me there that much. If I have to go through all these troubles I want to at least feel like I'm wanted there, if not appreciated.
I think I've had enough of 'cutting the brides/grooms some slack' because they have so much more to think about. If I'm not on a priority list of somebody's, they will too be on my options list.
Excuse me, but I'm 26, single, fat, and old, I get to be extra sensitive. Thank you.
ps: this will make so many people happy, like Raja and Aisha, who keep on reminding me on 'how many weddings I have been to' and 'trouble myself with all the travellings and stuff'. well, they got a point.
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