Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Walk a mile in my shoe.

All the gorgeous women in my life.
Why, god, why?

Why do they have to be so pretty, even this little one is the best thing could ever happen to me?

All my cousins, my friends, my roomates!! jeez my roomate was bloody queen of the batch for bloody sake (I wuv u still rumet!)

Imagine all the salams I have to kirim, all the hellos and goodbyes and all the 'can I have her number' I get?

Imagine all the guys I fall for end up falling for all these people.

Geez. I'm so gonna find new crush, say the singer of Metallica, and see if he ends up fall for my friend too.

Then well hey, what a clear hint that'll be!

Little Maryam, will you still love me no matter what, will you?


RS. said...

dont be too hard on yourself. i had to "kirim salams" and being asked for your number too!

Mag said...

maryam xpilih bulu. maryam sayang blako. tapi cik hani tuh buzy lamo xmari tengok maryam

Hani said...

raje, vice versaaa :P

yam, cik hani sikikkkkkkk lagi nk gocoh ngn mok tiri ni. yam tgu k..tggguuuuu!! hehe