Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bye Bye Kuantan

I first arrived here on 12th of October 2008. Ironically, 2years later, I was upside down packing all my things to leave Kuantan.

It wasn't my choice. If I were given options; I'd 100 times rather stay here. This is my comfort zone. God knows how much I love this place but He certainly knows best.

Here, I met bunch of people who are the best subs of my girls. When they are not around, these people do.

Here, I'm like a lil sister to a bunch of brothers. I never had any, these people, they showed me how brothers love. They care when I cried and they laughed when I joked.

Here, I fell in love with Futsal.

Here, I found the meaning of freedom. Whenever I need time for myself, I just lie alone in my room and no one would bother. Living alone, sometimes is lonely. But I'm surrounded with amazing people; cousins and friends who never failed to visit.

Here, we watched the final of World Cup.

Here, I grew closer to brothers, mother and father. Thanks to the short distance, I was able to travel as often as possible.

Tomorrow, I will no longer travel the same route, eat at the same cafeteria, meet the same people.

But this is all for the best.


Thank you, Kuantan. It was lovely.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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