Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadhan 1431

We all made it here. From last year's, many of us have lost in the way ; some have peacefully gone to see their maker; but we are still here.

Kalau nak bersyukur mungkin tak cukup kaki tangan mulut dan hati.

Remember how we all have been bad last year. Some people maybe cheat puasa; some maybe spent borosly; some maybe just procastinate a lot.

In my case; I got into a bitch-fight with a friend and lost the right to call her one.

(Yes in case you forget; that was last puasa)

So get this; with new year and Ramadhan is supposed to be the holy month and all; for God sake try to change to be better.

There's the reason why God made you come all this way here.

So here's a few note, for all of us:

1. Stay positive. Nothing good can come from thinking all the things are happening because life isn't fair on you.

2. Keep it moderate, take it easy on your wallet and stomach. Read some biology and study what can happen when you stuff bunch of food into what has been like 12 hours empty stomach.

3. Stay away from any fight from anyone. Also, nothing good can come out of it.

4. Try to control your anger and temper. Have you ever gone mad once and something bad happen? If so then whenever you're losing your grip just think of that.

5. Do not cheat; to God, your parents, your boss, partner, anyone. Try to be good once.

6. Make this a practise, you know. If you change for a month you might feel good and want to be like that forever.

7. Try as best as you can to not miss Terawih.

8. Try as best as you can to spend more time with the needy and sedekah.

9. Try as best as you can to have bonding session to everyone. Berbuka puasa maybe. Afterall, people are what matters :)

10. Try as best as you can to forget and forgive.

Lastly, nothing feels better than when you keep your feet on the ground and heart close to the Almighty. This is bonding time; to the people and the One.

You know better :)

Have a good Ramadhan everyone. Try to channel your interest to make Ramadhan meaningful instead of counting days to Raya ok.

And I'm only saying this because I can read it over and over again as a reminder to myself too.


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1 comment:

Mag said...

ouh..dah setahun..kalo mekar buat bukok poso lagi i nk join lagi. hahahahaha