Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Back to Basic.

I had 4 days of holiday. 3 to be exact, but an 'extra' one was created ad-hoc and it was a blast.
Spent half of it with little Amalin. The thing with living a lot with kids is it makes you either feel younger. Or older. Or wiser. Or stupid.
The hard part is not the crying. They do cry a lot, but you can stuff food (junks preferably) into their mouths, they will shut the hell up.
Or not the cartoon part, nor the buying everything part, or the other unbearable parts.
it's the asking a lot of questions part.
Sometimes, the question are so wrong yet they are so innocent it makes it so right.
I'm not talking about ' Knape dulu Che Hani kurus sekarang Che Hani gemuk?'. That's answerable.
I'm talking about,
'Kalau Tuhan buat semua benda, kenapa Tuhan buat orang jahat, tapi benci orang jahat?'
Now I feel stupid. Justttttt stupid enough I couldn't come up with a good answer.
I wish I had a good answer. Or justification, exactly.


Mag said...

hoho..amalin tanye???


Azreel Aswad said...

Haha..I got LOTS question of that kind almost everyday. =="

The worst part is we can't lie to them..if not it is like we are destroying their innocence!!! But u'll get used to it sooner or later.

Today I was asked: "mcm mana tuhan buat bagi kereta boleh bergerak?". Xkan nk jwb guna hukum fizik kot. Hahaha..

Anonymous said...

lol. takleh jadik parents lg la korg ni :P

senang je nk bg justification z..ko kene bg analogi tentang "belajar".

cakap dgn dia..kata la dia ada adik lg kecik, and dia kene jaga. tibe2 adik dia nak main basikal. tp adik dia kecik lg.. jd dia nk bg ke tanak?

kalau dia kata tanak.. tanya dia blk.. nnt kang dia besar tak reti naik basikal cmne?

kalau dia kata nak bagi, tp nnt kang adik tu jatuh, luka, cmne?

haaa.. sama la mcm Tuhan gk. Dia buat sume org, dia kene jaga sume org. tapi ada org nk wat jahat..tuhan bg ke tak?

bagilah.. pasal tu ada org jahat. tapi tuhan bencilah kan, pasal jahat tu susahkan org.

then ko pusing2 laa layan budak kecik tu smpi tah mana2.. hahahaha :P

(apa aku ngarut pn aku tatau)