I know it has been a lot for you to digest. With your car accident, with your camera got stolen (weh rhyme). And this is as close as we all could be to get to you in order to comfort you. But trust me things happened for a reason (I sounded like the optimistic Hazirah here haha). Maybe bile ni semua jadik kita pikir, what have I done to deserve this? But look at the other side, maybe, it's not what we have done, maybe, it's something that is gonna happen to you next.
Mungkin Tuhan tarik ini semua dahulu before dia bagi sesuatu yang hebat untuk kau kan? InsyaAllah. Mungkin nak dpt duit 15juta ke haha, or nak menang cabutan bertuah pegi middle east ke, or nak dapat bidadari dari syurga ke? Mane la tau kannn....
Letak gamba pulak... saje je kan!!! haha
And just for the record aku tak kecik hatilah ape kau cakap. kau ingat pernah ke ape budak2 mekar neh cakap aku letak dalam kepala otak? haha.
I just think the next time we wanted to write anything in our blog we ought to think twice. Or nak komen kat facebook ke or nak buat ape ape ke. psl things that go online memang tak boleh tarek balik no matter how much you try to erase it.
And aku bukan cakap pasal post adek kt blog die ok. bukan aku pon yang suruh die letak post tu weh! haha.
I just spent 1 hour in the car listening to live interview with Nur Kasih casts live on Hot FM. Weh apsal lah Adam and Aidil sangat comel tak boleh blah even in the real world?
Yesterday me and colleague joked about joining Sehati Berdansa. We aren't celebrities so we cannot join unless we get married to one. He wants to marry Fazura. All I can think about someone I want to marry is Scha Al Yahya.
I cannot come up with a guy name weh. SERIOUSLY is something WRONG with me? Haha. And then he go out and all suggesting me to marry Adam lah Andy lah apelah. Tapi nak kawen dengan Scha jugak la cemaner???!!!!!!
Minggu depan ada 2 pilihan sama ada nak join futsal tournament or nk pegi KL wif parents. I miss playing futsal but I miss my friends and cousins too. Guess I have to think which one I miss the most kot before decide. Or maybe boleh jumpe friends and cousins and main futsal ngan diorg? Haha 2 in 1 hilang semua rindu!
Untuk korang yang menantikan update progress tentang high skool drama aku dan Husna, ceritanya, I have apologized and she has forgive me as she said tapi things will not be the same lah.
It's oklah it has not been the same after we left UTP pon. SOOOO many things have changed but we failed to notice or we refuse to ke pon I pon tak tahu. But if you ask me I'd say yes I miss her, but the pre-graduation Husna. The post-graduation Husna, hurm. Entah. So different.
Ini yang dirindu.
But yeah we all are different now so maybe this is for the best. Yang penting bila kita mati kita tidak tersangkut sebab tidak memaafkan orang yang dah sesal dengan kesilapan dia kan?
Assuddaahhlaaa kau merepekkkkk!!!!