Monday, August 10, 2009

Friendship never ends is never cliche.

Yesterday i went to my cousin's house to pick up a few things, only to be greeted by my uncle at the entrance reciting Yassin.

Quite weird to hear people reciting Yassin out loud at noon don't you think.

So i asked my cousin, did anyone pass away or something, because this is kinda weird to me.

Then my cousin replied, 'Yes, his bestfriend'

It gets even wierder now that I think at 60, friendship dies with time. But he still has bestfriend. Hurm.

So I went home, told my mum the whole thing and asked her if she still has what we call bestfriends.

She told me a story.

Last 2 weeks she went back to Kota Bharu and had a late nite chit chatting supper with her girlfriends. they were updating each other about their mid-life crisis husband, growing up teenage children, dream daughters' weddings and what not when one of her friends, Aunty A, told her something.

Aunty M, another friend, has always been someone who's not good at cleaning up messes and tidying up house and rooms but now that the husband is having mid life crisis, he starts to notice that this thing annoys him so much.

So Aunty M told Aunty A that she is worried that her recklessness of tidying up might ruin her marriage, only to have Aunty A came to the rescue.

You know what she does?

Every two weeks, she will make a visit to Aunty M's house, clean up her house, prepare dishes, do the laundry, basically, does everything that a Bibik would do.

While telling this story, Aunty M was there and listen to Aunty A. And she was not mad at all that Aunty A is telling the girls what she didn't do.

Quite impressive ey?

I know i have friends like that too. I just don't know if they'll still be the way they are 30 years to come.

Then my mum reminds me that, a friend is a reflection of ourselves. they are how we treat them to be.

Now it gets more amazing!


Merissa K. said...

wahh. this is just too pretty. im gonna go and sob my eyes out now. hehehe

kerel said...

schweetnyier ~ :)