Thursday, December 25, 2008

Being Lonely can be so costly.

Called Reen for two freaking hours.
Shopping with no one to say 'Tak payahla'.
Dined at Delifrance (for the sake of Wi-fi; terima kasih hazirah temankan thru YM)
Video call friends who are having fun at Aquaria.

edited: tak suke lah mencarut-mencarut kt sini. macam tak reti bersyukur.

But anyway I was thinking (I always think about this)

Why are we so fucking scattered all over the places. Ain in KL, Hazirah in Seremban, Nett in Kemaman, Aisha in Puchong - and yet when it comes to weekend/ free time - we called each other and complained of how boring we are.

Why can't I live my dream life (I had - perhaps have - a dream; when I graduated, I want to rent a house together with Nett Ain Mar and Seema - because we are not KLians)

Sometimes I wonder, why aren't they here, or maybe, why am I not there?

but I guess Estrella said it right, How can I miss you, If you don't go away from me?

So yeah, this one - shall pass!

I leave you guys with this survey tagged by Husna - since Raje and Seema did it, I am somewhat obliged to also do it!

answer this bunch of question based on the opposite gender. no family members is allowed. whatever :P

What is the relationship of you and him?
bestest friend of all males!

Your 5 impressions towards him
1. rockstar
2. family-oriented
3. cool lover =p
4. supportive frienddddddddd
5. high-mantainance?

The most memorable things he had done for you
we quarrelled, once, in form three. then he came to me and tell me that it doesnt feel the same without me annoying him. so yes, we became even closer then!

The most memorable things he have said to you
I put this in my blog. go find it :p

If he becomes your enemy, you will...
i will conteng his meja lagi. like dulu-dulu haha.

If he becomes your enemy, the reason is...
berebut pencil case?

The most desirable thing to do on him is...
to annoy him. haha. YOU have to see THAT face!

The overall impression of him?
he doesnt feels so perfect when he's around, but when he's not, i don't feel complete =(

How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
entah. so far i think people think Im a loser LOL

The character of you for yourself is...
I am a doer! mcm meredith grey :P

The character you hate of yourself is...

The most ideal person that you want to be is...
good enough. :D

For the people who care about and like you, say something about them.
if you secretly like me, tolonglah keluar tunjukkan siapa kau sebenar. haha.

10 people to tag

(in random order)

1. pink
2. dello
3. pakchad! <-- this cool man reads my blog!
4. laila
5. izzah malik
6. hamizah (daughter of the cool man)
7. kak lisa
8. aishah
9. mena
10. zainur azween

Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
tatau tatau tatau :p

Is no. 3 a male or a female?
male kan? haha

What is no. 1 studying about?
tah die. blaja lain keje lain!

Is no. 4 single?
I think so. adik, care to answer?

Who is no. 5?
she's the sister of A Afiq A Malik!

Say something about no. 6?
told you she's the daughter of the cool man!

I hope you guys read till this line, because I'm about to say that IF YOU GUYS HAVE ANY PLANS FOR NEW YEAR PLEASE INCLUDE ME!



botolbiru said...

true.when we are away from each other,br we know what is the true meaning of loneliness.

i had 7 years great time with my dearest friends. i know you so long but close to you for freaking 5 years.hahaha.i had fun.hope we had fun.kalu keje kl, meh la sewa sesame.i dont mind renting with you guys(read:mekarians,besties,mrsm) cz i been living with you guys for ages.24/7 together, gossiping,quarreling,sleeping etc etc etc.

p/s: xkn kol aku tanye spa q dh start kot.hopeless la zac.hahaha.miss 1/2 hour.xpe xkemana spa q anda tuh.hahahah

Anonymous said...

new year?
sabah jom!

PiNk said...

apehal sabah!


jom zac n bobo!

Husna said...
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Husna said...

dataran merdeka ade estranged.

aku taku ko takkan betray *cough* boyfren *cough* ko tu.

so jom la!