Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Because I have nothing to rush.

I've had conversations with people who keep me wise and sane all the times. They kind of giving me the thought that I have nothing to rush.

I'm grateful that I'm fortunate to have graduated early. Alhamdulillah. I might not say this that often but I am. I'm even more grateful that I have ample time to make a choice of my life path.

I hope that I'm not overwhelmed by the extra time that when the time comes for me to decide, it's already too late.

"Kakak ni sebenarnya ada boyfriend tak?"

"Huhu. Takdelah Kak Gee."

"Tak pernah ada ke or pernah ada but now dah takde?"

"Pernah ada, but now dah takde."

"So why tak cari bf lain? You moved on?"

"Yes I do. I just think I have nothing to rush."

"Which is true. Because we all deserve the best we can get. We can always spare some time until the best man shows and we make our pick. Good enough if we already did, but if we don't have faith that we will. Tak kesahlah kalau dulu kita jahat ke ape ke. Always doa mintak kat Allah, that you need someone good to set your path straight. Tuhan dengar doa kita, kakak"


She gets the idea. Look where it took her now! Ha-ha.

(Plus I kind of waiting for this one guy so we all just wait and see ok haha!)

Oh I love having conversations with people who keep me sane and wise!

p/s: Why, do you always have something nice to say. To make me sway? - Dewa.


Anonymous said...

it's true that u dont have to rush for it (even i have got 1 for me! hehe)

so, just lepak2, wait til the rite man came for u. n who knows wat will happened after kan...just remember.." sume manusia di lahirkan berpasang-pasangan" sampai seru ade la tu. hehe.

jom enjoy~ cheerss~ ;)

PiNk said...

tah zac
lek ah
ko kan nak tunggu aku kawen
panjang agi mase nih

Husna said...

kau kan nak tunggu baju melayu PINK!

(tak kire, tanak gune perkataan merah jambu hahhaha)

PiNk said...


ok aku doakan ko dpt baju melayu PINK! approved!

Hani said...

merah jambu lah!!!

seema, jeles ngn kau :P