Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Whatever Seven

I'm trying to kill some time here so let me be ok. Cik Izzah, thanks for making me do this. Ha-ha.

1. I'm an avid blogger. I write and read blogs a lot.

2. I am a better manual-cars driver than an auto-one.

3. Whenever I'm driving, perkara yang paling I pantang is, kereta depan yang suka brek-brek. And co-pilot yang tidur. Ha-ha.

4. I have a pair of very sensitive eyes. I'm allergic to bawang and sunshine (not you budak kecik!) ke sunlight. Whatever.

5. I watched Grey's Anatomy religiously. I am now talking to myself in Grey's tone.

6. I have all different names for all phases of my life. School I was Azhani, MRSM I was Zhani slash Zac. UTP I was Zac/Mia. Work I am Hani. So whenever I text all my contacts it goes like "Selamat Hari Raya - Azhani/Zac/Mia/Hani". Belom campur family. Boleh?

7. I hardly give a care about anything. Macam contohnya "Wey dah buat FYP blom, besok present!" You can look straight to my eyes and you can really tell I don't give a fcuk. Try me!

Oh besok dah raya tapi hari ini I kerja. Bukan macam orang bank yang malas nak load duit sampai semua machine Out Of Service. (Oh I can say this sebab I kerja ok so eat it!)

Tak baik emo akhir Ramadhan kan! SO Happy Hari Raya everyone!


botolbiru said...

saye tahu kamu kebuhsanan
tp apakan daya
duty calls kan

selamat hari raya
maaf zahir batin

Anonymous said...


mmg wtf !

woooohoooooooo !!!!!
im the best co-pilot ever existed !

*shrugs* ;)

fat ass said...

hahaha .

selamat hari raye dear !
maaf zahir batin ;)

PiNk said...

nak duet rayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Izzah said...

tanx kak hani:D

baru nak teras tadik.ngaa:Dsunshinetu bole putihkan muke oke:P

Anonymous said...

salam lebaran dari..

dtg rumah aku raya...
dpt duet raya limeploh hengget

Raieza Hanim R said...

Selamat hari raya!
Maaf zahir & batin :)