Thursday, August 30, 2012


Ku lari ke pantai kemudian teriakku - Cinta

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Team Songket

I am always a big fan of Songket. It is so disappointing when I went to a malay wedding and the couple aren't wearing Songket. Songket are so pretty and rich, it doesn't need explanation why it's pretty.

It's so exclusive that you don't wear them on normal days (unless you're royalty of course).

My baju raya courtsey of my parents. Got this for my birthday present (of course I cannot afford this haha). I am so loving it. 

If you're getting married and still contemplating, choose songket, always choose songket.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dejavu Teragung

Sunday morning rain is falling..haha..suddenly i had this craving for nasi lemak ikan aya. yes well memang senang nak carik nasi lemak ikan aya kat kota lumpur ni kan. so i pun telan air liur je lah.

But suddenly i had this idea, since my brother is arriving from the Dungunland that evening and I will pick him up from the Hentian Putra might as well i asked him to tapau some for me.

So i texted him;

'Kalau belum naik bas, tolong beli nasi lemok ikan aya 2 bungkus, kuah asing!'

only to his reply;

'sorry kakak, dah naik bas. tapi pagi tadi mama dah tapau nasi lemak ikan aya for kakak, akif ada bawak ni, ENAM BUNGKUS'


So there, me and brother at williams, i was so happy i get to eat my nasi lemak ikan aya, i belanja him spagheti zrong zreng tak ingat nama ni.

And no, I did not habiskan the whole 6 bungkus la. haha. i habiskan 5 je.

Friday, August 24, 2012

One day

One F*ing Day

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bebeb is 26.

Little Birdie and Little Elephant love you lots.

ps: Saa and Zac is the best kannnnnnn!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dejavu Di KLIA

Raya ends early for me this year. When you have less expectation you get more. Most of my cousins and friends are married so I basically already know that my Raya won't be filled with going-arounds like last years'. 

People are changing but I'm staying. It's not easy to know that everyone is going around but you're staying put staring deep into the ceiling. So i opted not to take extra holidays and instead decided to come back on the 3rd day of Raya.

I'm glad I made the decision because I have lots of wedding invitations during Raya that I don't care to attend. So by the noon of 3rd Raya I was already ready to take off from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur and it felt so good. I did feel bad to feel so good about coming back to KL but I couldn't help it. I was already sick of Raya food and FAQs that I don't favour.

And guess what something funny happened. While i was busy tweeting about my journey from KB to KL, my Lalim noticed it and whatsapp me and so apparently, he was also waiting for his flight from Penang to KL and we both were scheduled to land at KLIA about only 5minutes apart from each other!

So there we were, in KLIA, unplanned and surprised! Haha.

Oh yes I haven't make any announcement yet right, about him coming back FOR GOOD from Germany? It's because we have yet to take a decent picture together so here it is!

Next year I think about going away with my parents during Raya. Maybe Umrah, who knows?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

End of Ramadhan 1432H

Iftar with the Girlfriends.

Maryam has become part of us. This is backbone.
The Zon was nightmare, the food was bad, the service were lousy. Seriously Dato' K?
Luckily my girls are sporting ;)

Iftar of the Department.

So they invited Hani Madu. I love Hani Madu.
I think she's pretty and she's multi talented. She's like all the good things come in one small package.
And we go by the same name ;p haha

Iftar with the Mekar 

this sums up my complete Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah.
We grew up together, we were only a small number of people in one course, our batch was monopolized by the Engineering people, so us the IT geeks bonded.
So happy to watch everybody grew, people are getting married, people are bringing babies to the world, people are paying the bills for the other. Rezeki semua tu. Syukur.

I also completed my ramadhan must eat list - Nasi Daun Pisang with Shima and Williams with the PocketRocket. Alhamdulillah!

Malam ni insyaAllah balik ke Terengganu. Cuti tak lama tapi InsyaAllah nak utilise sebaik-baiknya.
So to sum up my Ramadhan, family, friends, girlfriends, mekar, smksed, all come together.

I'm so in love :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Ghost Town

New York City can be a terrifying place. Just a coffee and a muffin, that'll be $7.50. But nothing is more frightening in the prospect running into an ex before you leave and have your morning coffee.

- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and The City season 4.

So I heard the earth is filled with somewhat 7 billion something human, right? So how come the earth is so huge and big and wide and large my ex boyfriend ended up with my cousin's cousin. 

Cousin's cousin was a stranger back in the 1920s but now with facebook, they are called MUTUAL FRIENDS. So when my cousins, RSVPed to attend their cousin's wedding, facebook would think it is so weird that how come 50 of your friends are attending this wedding but your not invited? LET WE SUGGEST YOU TO RSVP TO THIS WEDDING.

So yes, in the morning right before I started my work, the ghost of the boyfriend past appears right on the doorstep of my virtual house.

Fine, yes I got over my ex already, surprisingly i got over him fast just like how fast our relationship started and ended, but it would be so much better that after 5 years if he stops making appearance and stop strolling around. and now he's getting married to someone I have 20 mutual friends with, so I guess I have to expect more and more surprises in the future.

"New York is definitely haunted. Old lovers, ex boyfriends, anyone you have unresolved issues with you are bound to run into again and again until you resolve them. My relationship with Aidan was long dead, but with one invitation he was suddenly a presence in my life again. Or had he been there all along? Like the chair he made that I could never bring myself to sell. When a relationship dies, do we ever really give up the ghost? Or are we forever haunted by the spirits of relationships past?"

I have to stop watching Sex and The City before I keep on thinking how creepy that it has so many resemblance to my life, as if, and get Carrie-d away.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Java Bean Rumah Mode

One thing I rindu gila about my Bandung trip was this coffee moment I had dekat Rumah Mode. Masa tu I dah penat gila, about 5-6pm, seharian berjalan panjat bukit turun gunung bagai tapi pink ngan mek ila nak shopping lagiii grrr.. so i opted for a coffee, hot latte.

Cuaca tak panas tak sejuk (cuaca kt Bandung memang macam sebati dengan kulit macam memang bes gila) waktu pulak tak siang tak malam (maghrib la senang cita) kedai dia cosy sangat, pasang lagu keroncong, sofa dia best.... air dia best T_T rindulah

I try carik gamba I tapi tak jumpa, memang takleh harap kawan-kawan yang bawak kamera, duk amek gamba tonggang terbalik upload 10 keping grrrrrr... ni ha I google tah pakcik mana-mana, tapi i ingat I pon ginila gaya haha

pastu shima join, den bobo join, den amad join.. den kitorang duduk dan melepak dan malas bangun sangat..

besnya kedai ni.. nak g bandung lagi.. tapi moment tu sangat spontan, kopi pon sedap, sampai bila-bila i ingat!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kids get it.

Got this from 9Gag.

This is dedicated to those people who complains a lot, moto janji ditepati, lagu janji ditepati, semua tak puas hati.

Orang tak ada masalah, hidup senang, gaji setahun 5-6 angka, study orang bayar, kahwin mewah tepi laut tepi tasik, pakai kereta import, terbang naik MAS, rumah 2 tingkat. tak ada masalah.

complain pasal kerajaan. tak ada salah, janji ditepati. complain pasal logo.

elokla tu.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Balik kampung 5 hari,
anak tunggal woi!

bermanja dengan mama.
Hari-hari request lauk. Kari ikan & daging goreng, Sup tulang & ayam percik, kari amar & kerabu daging, singgey tulang & sambal petai udang. budu durian, wajib.
Berjalan beli tudung, beli baju raya, beli kasut raya.
meronda tepi pantai, masuk kampung, keluar kampung.
mama hantar dan ambik dari airport at odd hours, gerak lepas sahur, mata takleh bukak T_T
manja kan?

Bermanja dengan ayah.
Tengok semua sukan olimpik. tengok badminton, basikal, tennis, lari-lari, rowing, sailing, trampoline.
Ayah tau semua sukan, semuaaa trivia. siapa menang last olimpik, siapa ranking 1, siapa laju, taktik, teknik. siap ajar kakak, siap buat kuiz 'kakak ingat tak siapa ayah cakap semalam yg ranking 1 women 100m hurdles blabla'
tu dia, sekarang tanya i apa sahaja i boleh jwb. tanyalah!! tanyalah!!
mintak durian, mintak ikan kembung segar celup tepung, mintak ayah bayar upah baju raya haha.
'orang lain dah kawen bolehlah suami bayar!'
ayah pon..yelah yelah! kuakua

bermanja dengan amalin, bermanja dengan azlin
hari-hari dapat panggilan hangit aka tepik 'BILA NAK AMBEK ADIK', tedo sekali, nangis, geletek
makan kfc, makan aiskrim, JANGAN UPLOAD GAMBA KAT FACEBOOK!!
gaduh mulut, sokong lee chong wei, sokong poketroket, nopak neting
jumpe rumek, bercakap potpetotpetopeotpoeoptotpeotpeptoetttttt tak berenti
'i rasa memang betul you pilih pindah KL met!'

sebab tu kene duduk jauh, sb city girl appreciate every little thing like this.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

PocketRocket Iftar

I pernah cakap dengan Raja, I belum kaya, I cuma tumpang kekayaan orang lain.

Raja kata, itu pun rezeki juga. Syukur!

Bebeb has to pull some string, and Alhamdulillah, iftar for 7 at Grand Millenium Hotel Kuala Lumpur, for freeeee!

The food, grande, 7 stars, wallah!

The people, masyaAllah. Thankful tak terkata. Grand tak grand, dang cakap gepper jugok!

Macam biasa, perut happy wallet happy, hati pon happy.

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